
How to Catch Flathead: A Beginner’s Guide

Aug 17, 2024

Flathead are known for their distinctive shovel-shaped heads, perfect for burrowing into their surroundings as they wait to ambush unsuspecting prey. These fascinating fish have a special place in my heart, especially since the first fish I ever caught on a soft plastic was a flathead. Since then, they’ve been a gateway to my passion for lure fishing. Plus, they’re delicious—no wonder they fetch such high prices at the market!

Choosing the Right Lure

Flathead are ambush predators, so using lures that catch their attention is crucial. Lures with plenty of action, vibration, and color work best. While hard-bodied lures, vibes, and even surface lures can entice flathead, soft plastics are my go-to. Soft plastics can be fished at various depths, and their softness ensures a flathead won’t let go once it bites. Bright colors like pink and orange often outperform natural hues—don’t ask me why, but they work!

Perfecting Your Technique

Flathead are drawn to disturbances, so making a commotion during your retrieve is key. Sharp rod flicks followed by pauses add life to your lure, allowing it to return to the sea floor where flathead are waiting to strike. I often use heavier jigheads to keep the lure in the strike zone longer, creating enticing puffs of sand or mud that draw the fish in.

Finding Flathead

Flathead are bottom dwellers, using their flat bodies to blend into the sea floor. They’re most commonly found in the lower half of the water column, so keeping your lure down is essential. Sand patches near weed beds and mud flats are prime hunting grounds, though flathead can appear on various bottom types. They can be found in shallow waters and deeper areas, making them accessible whether you’re fishing from a boat or on foot.

Recommended Gear

For flathead fishing, a 2-4kg or 3-6kg rod around 6’6” to 7’ is ideal, providing excellent casting distance even from shore. A 2500-3000 size reel pairs well with these rods, holding enough line for long casts. Braid is the preferred mainline for its zero stretch, castability, and sensitivity, with 8-12lb being a good range. Flathead have sharp teeth, so I recommend a leader size of 10-12lb, increasing to 20lb if you’re targeting larger fish.

My Tackle

Rod & Reel: Rebellion 681ML+FS paired with a Freams LT 2500
Mainline: J-Braid Grand Island Blue 10lb
Leader: J-Thread Fluorocarbon 12lb

My Favorite Lures

  • Minnow 3.2” in Yuzu, Voltage, Demon Blood with 1/6th-3/8th oz. size 2/0 jighead
  • Jerkshad 5” in Morning Dawn, Red Bait Glow, White Magic with 1/4-3/8 oz. size 3/0 jighead
  • Grub 4” in Red Bait Glow, Voltage, Motor Oil UV with 1/6th-3/8th oz. size 2/0 jighead

Handle with Care

Flathead have sharp spines and a set of nasty fangs, so handle them with care. Use a rag or towel when gripping them, and keep your fingers away from their mouths. Long-nose pliers are handy for removing hooks. Despite these precautions, flathead are a fantastic species to target. Their aggressive nature makes them a joy to catch, and they make for a delicious meal—you won’t regret it!

Ready to gear up?

At Hook-N Haven, we’ve got all the gear you need to make your next flathead fishing trip a success. Check out our range of rods, reels, lures, and tackle, and take advantage of our special offers. Shop now and get ready for your next big catch!

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